Our international Easter egg basket |
In Ethiopia, the end of the Lenten season culminated today with the celebration of Jesus Christ’s resurrection. I am really happy to have experienced the Easter Triduum (Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Sunday) here in Dilla, especially at MHC Church, where the faith of its parishioners is expressed in such a lovely and joyous manner. Holy Thursday began with the Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper during which time the priest washed the feet of 12 church members, just as Jesus Christ washed the feet of his 12 disciples. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament followed and all crosses within the church were covered in preparation of the celebration of the passion and death of Jesus Christ on Good Friday.
Our Easter Candle at church. |
Good Friday was by far one of my most memorable experiences of expression of faith. The parishioners gathered at another Catholic church about 5 km away at around 8AM to begin a series of prayers, chants, and reading of the liturgy that lasted to about 2PM. In between the readings and singing, were several periods of genuflections that would last about 15 minutes during which time they recite “Lord have mercy”. Everyone physically capable (including yours truly) took part in these acts of reverence and worship (needless to say, many of us still have sore legs and thighs, and somebody even fainted due to exhaustion).
Genuflecting in prayer. |
Resting and chanting. |
We finished after 2PM and were supposed to walk back to MHC Church to be there by 3PM to commemorate the time that Jesus Christ commended his spirit to the Lord while on the cross. However, heavy rain showers delayed our departure but once the rain dissipated, the majority of us made the 30-45 minute walk back to the church under a light shower and smarting legs. After acting the Way of the Cross and having a small service, we all gathered outside the church to break our fast with sweet tea and a platter of beans (gurban) and bread (dabo). So by 6/6.30 PM we finished a long day of celebrating the Lord’s Passion; it was a Good Friday that I will never forget.
Helping out in the kitchen. |
Holy Saturday was spent preparing for the feast and joy that follows the resurrection of Jesus Christ. I spent most of the day helping the sisters with the Easter decorations and cooking. After a small meal, we went to attend the Easter Vigil Mass, which began at 11PM with a bonfire outside the church. The Easter Candle was lit from the fire that was blessed by the priest. We then entered the dark church in procession with all our candles that were lit from the blessed fire of the Easter Candle. It was not until midnight when the liturgical readings were interrupted to celebrate his resurrection. We continued the mass until 2AM and afterwards we had a small celebration at the Sisters home with tea and Italian Colomba bread. The weekend ended with another mass early on Sunday morning, where joyous singing and prayers punctuated the festive atmosphere of Jesus’ resurrection.
Delighted with my new Ethiopian shirt. |
Celebrating Easter in Dilla, and particularly with the people at MHC Church, was a true delight, as they helped me understand what it truly means to celebrate the passion and death of the Lord.